Seminar, 學術活動

【109 Seminar 講座】11/19 :Computational Physicality of Virtual Reality


地點:HA315教室 交大人社一館

講題說明: Prof. Cheng just started as Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Information Engineering department at National Taiwan University in February 2019. Advised by Prof. Dr. Patrick Baudisch, he got his PhD degree in Human-Computer Interaction from Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) in Potsdam, Germany. He constantly publishes papers at top HCI conferences ACM CHI and UIST, one won the Best Demo Award at UIST 2017. He also served as a program committee member at MobileHCI 2019, UIST 2020, CHI 2021. He had internships at Apple Inc. in 2014, and at Microsoft Research Redmond in 2016 and 2018. His recent research focuses on brining immersive experiences to a broader audience by mixing the border of virtual and physical reality.

Responder : 陳一平 教授