學術活動, 工作坊

// 感官實驗室 // Soft : Doc 演講.影研會

// Soft:Doc // Soft:Screen
//軟紀錄片//軟螢幕 // 影研會


Zone of Entanglement: Sound-haptic Space, interwoven Threads of Cloud and the Cultural Inter-coding of Soft-documentary

// 講者:林欣怡 國立陽明交通大學應用藝術研究所 副教授
// Speaker : Prof. Lin, Hsin-I / Institute of Applied Arts, NYCU

時間:12/07(二)14:20 —16:20
地點: 國立陽明交通大學人社一館 R314(不設線上轉播)*中文演講


當電影成為存在於新媒體、數據資料庫、蒙太奇敘事、與「媒體語言—文化地理」的雙重離散性之間的一種混雜介面時,「文化跨碼」(cultural inter-coding)如何成為新媒體作為電影的內部語言?本講主要探論「螢幕紀錄片」如何以一種可以不斷被交換、轉譯且在語言的翻譯政治下形構了文化交互介面,成為跨文化電影的另一種格式,並思考「文化跨碼」如何在雲端檔案混雜的「糾纏區帶」中成為多重檔案織線,外展為記憶、翻譯與變形的軟場景。

As cinema becomes a hybrid interface between new media, databases, montage narratives, and the double discrete of “media language-cultural geography”, how does “cultural inter-coding” become the intrinsic language of new media as cinema, how does it differentiate itself from intercultural cinema, and how can it be constantly exchanged, translated and shaped by the politics of language translation, forming an interactive interface of culture and becoming an alternative format of intercultural cinema. Afterward, the two interwoven visual languages of soft cinema and soft montage are extended into a “soft-documentary”, illustrating how, in the context of globalization, the “cultural inter-coding” becomes a multiplicity of archival strings in a hybrid “entangled zone” of cloud archives, and extends into an arbitrary space of memory, translation, and “Soft-Scene”.


// Soft:Doc — LH, SOLID, LETTERS, VOYANT — 堅固・書信・通靈者 影研會
// 放映導演:Louis Henderson
// 主持人:林欣怡 國立陽明交通大學應用藝術研究所副教授
// 時間:12/07(二)16:35–17:50

地點: 國立陽明交通大學人社一館 R314(不設線上轉播)
// 本次映演將呈現路易斯.亨德森《通靈者書信》(Lettres du Voyant)、《一切堅固》(All that is Solid)兩部作品。
// 活動不需事先報名,但考量疫情,請與會者務必配戴口罩。



// 通靈者書信(Lettres du Voyant)
2013 | 00:40:00 | 英文 | 彩色 | 立體聲 | 16:9 | HD video



“To take back the gold that was stolen from us – this is the object of our actions.”


Lettres du Voyant is a documentary-fiction about spiritism and technology in contemporary Ghana that attempts to uncover some truths about a mysterious practice called “Sakawa” – internet scams mixed with voodoo magic. Tracing back the scammers’ stories to the times of Ghanaian independence, the film proposes Sakawa as a form of anti-neocolonial resistance. The film takes the form of a voyage through a network of digitised mine shafts that lead the viewer to each of the film’s locations ; a gold mine, an e-waste dump, a voodoo ritual or a discotheque for example. A character recounts a story through reading a series of letters that he has written to the film’s author – letters that speak about the colonial history of Ghana, of gold, of technology.

// 一切堅固(All that is Solid)
2014 | 00:15:43 | 英文 | 黑白和彩色 | 立體聲 | 16:9 | HD video

一切堅固的東西都煙消雲散了,一切神聖的東西都被褻瀆了,人們終於不得不清醒地直面他們生活的真實狀況,和他們相互的關係。」 — 卡爾.馬克思


“All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.” — Karl Marx


As technological progress pushes forward in the overdeveloped world, enormous piles of obsolete computers are thrown away and recycled. Pushed out of sight and sent to the coast of West Africa these computers end up in waste grounds such as Agbogbloshie in Accra, Ghana. On arrival the e-waste is recuperated by young men, who break and burn the plastic casings in order to extract the precious metals contained within. Eventually the metals are sold, melted and reformed into new objects to be sold – it is a strange system of recycling, a kind of reverse neocolonial mining, whereby the African is searching for mineral resources in the materials of Europe.

Louis Henderson
1983, United Kingdom

路易斯.亨德森是一名導演,他目前正試圖找尋與人們合作的新途徑,透過考古學方法,質問當今由種族資本主義和歐洲殖民計劃源遠流長的歷史所定義的全球狀況。2007年畢業於倫敦傳媒學院,並於2016年獲得歐洲視覺藝術學院的藝術研究高等文憑。2017年起,亨德森於藝術家團體「The Living and the Dead Ensemble」工作。

Louis Henderson is a filmmaker who is currently trying to find new ways of working with people to address and question our current global condition defined by racial capitalism and ever-present histories of the European colonial project. The working method is archaeological. Henderson graduated from the London College of Communication (2007) and has a Superior Diploma in Research in Art from the European School of Visual Arts (2016). Since 2017, Henderson has been working within the artist group The Living and the Dead Ensemble.




Organizers|International Center for Cultural Studies, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, International Institute for Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (IICS-UST), International Masters Program in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, University System of Taiwan (IACS-UST)

Co-organizers|Sensory Lab NYCU, Intercultural Cinema Studies NYCU