
Living Metaphor. Living Museum – ‘Hsinchu Living Museum’ The Sixth Fuel Factory Documenta

Living Metaphor. Living Museum – ‘Hsinchu Living Museum’ The Sixth Fuel Factory Documenta

策展人——賴雯淑 國立交通大學應用藝術研究所副教授





在孕育成形的過程,也力求與居民之間的相互理解與情感凝聚。「六燃文件展」本身就是活隱喻、活博物館的具現,它將持續自我活化,成為一個永續的生命體。 由交大應用藝術研究所賴雯淑副教授主持、六燃團隊所共同策劃的「原日本海軍第六燃料廠新竹支廠文件展」、簡稱「六燃文件展」,分別以檔案、藝術 、科技三區,來呈現關於這個活在竹塹城的歷史地景。

為何保留新竹六燃二戰遺址,使其成為「新竹生博物館」是重要的事呢?因為它是:1. 臺灣少數僅存二戰時期軍事工業遺跡。2. 具「屋中有屋」與「空中樓閣」特色之重要眷村遺跡。3. 為全臺稀有,同時結合第二次世界大戰、科技與眷村文化之歷史建築。4. 於2010年,已由新竹市政府正式登錄為歷史建築。

六燃「新竹生博物館」( Hsinchu Living Museum ) 計劃,以二戰時期臺灣總督府所建置的「海軍第六燃料廠新竹支廠」、其中的大煙囪廠房為主要基地,探討六燃的歷史、記憶、或甫劃下休止符的眷村文化,希望透過「藝術實踐參與社區營造」、「智慧科技支援生態保育」、「文史田調結合混合實境再造歷史現場」之實踐,帶動新竹市民與國際社會的參與,讓新竹六燃二戰工業建築遺構轉型為一座活的「生博物館」;在逐漸孕育成形的過程中,也力求與居民之間的互相理解,促成居民與社區情感的凝聚。

「六燃文件展」的策展核心即立基於「活隱喻·活博物館」的理念,「生博物館」是 Living Museum 的一種直譯,也是一種宣示,更是國外已運作多年、但目前台灣還沒有的博物館型態。「文件展」在當代藝術裡,已不是過往那種純粹博物館展示文件的形式,更多的是對於某種藝術理念的實踐與實驗。換言之,六燃文件展所扮演的角色,絕不僅止於重要文件的整理和爬梳,或是只為今年11月將於新竹六燃大煙囪基地所舉行的「六燃國際藝術展演」熱身。

六燃團隊更聚焦在催生「新竹生博物館」的實踐路徑上,同時生產出一個能夠孕育並催生出「新竹六燃生博物館」藝術實踐路徑與行動方法論。這是六燃文件展極為核心的一個任務與自我期許 —— 不論是正在孕育、催生中的「新竹生博物館」,為此目的所舉辦的「六燃文件展」,或即將於今年逐一成形的「六燃國際藝術展演」。

每一場活動、每一位參與者、每一件文史資料或作品、每一次的相逢與對話,  本身就是活隱喻、活博物館的具現,它將持續自我活化,成為一個永續的生命體。

Curatorial Statement

Wen-Shu Lai

Chief Project Director / Associate Professor, Institute of Applied Arts, NCTU

A WWII city needs supports from its residents who are reflective, critical, and willing to put their thoughts into action.

A WWII city will become a great city when its residents have the capacities to preserve, revitalize and nourish it.

Some people might find it misleading to describe Hsinchu as a “WWII city,” because it seems as if the entire Hsinchu City is inextricably interwoven with the Second World War, as if the war is the raison d’être of this city. However, the past of Hsinchu City is almost beyond recall on the part of its citizens today. Therefore, the juxtaposition of “Hsinchu” and “WWII” in the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Sixth Fuel Factory Documenta is not so much a portrayal of this city’s distinguishing features as a questioning posture, an attempt to investigate this city’s self-definition or identity construction, a venture to cogitate on the meaning of our lives on this island by collating and participating the factory’s history during and in the aftermath of the Second World War.

Accordingly, the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Sixth Fuel Factory Documenta is executed by the curatorial team from Institute of Applied Arts (IAA)of the National Chiao Tung University (NCTU). It is intended to present a WWII historical and cultural heritage site in Hsinchu Taiwan, a place that not only accommodates various groups of people from different historical periods and backgrounds, but also weaves their collective and personal memories into a web with a multi-layer texture. The content of this documenta is mainly from the “Hsinchu Living Museum” project, which has been promoted by NCTU since 2018. The project aims to raising public awareness domestically and internationally about the historical significance of the former Imperial Japanese Navy’s Sixth Fuel Factory. The purpose of this documenta is to empower the audience to discuss and interpret the past, the present, and the future of this historic site, expecting to extend and enrich WWII history through alternative perspectives and creative works. We believe that the participants of documenta will add an extra dimension to the multifold histories and memories of WWII. History, in another sense, is a living, evolving process that always unfolds in the present tense. As a result, the prime objective of this Documenta is to accelerate the transformation of the historic site of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Sixth Fuel Factory into the “Hsinchu Living Museum”.

Living Museum”, because this site is….

(1) One of the few remaining WWII military-industrial relics;
(2) A historic site of military dependents’ housing characterized by “embedded apartment” and “roofless attic”;
(3) A rare complex preserving the legacies of war, technology, and military dependents’ housing culture; and ——
(4) Already registered as a historic building by the Hsinchu City Government in 2010.

The content of this Documenta is mainly from the “Hsinchu Living Museum” project, which has been promoted by NCTU since 2018. The project aims to raise public awareness domestically and internationally about the historical significance of the former Imperial Japanese Navy’s Sixth Fuel Factory.

The purpose of this Documenta is to empower the audience to discuss and interpret the past, the present, and the future of this historic site. It is expected to extend and enrich WWII history through alternative perspectives and creative works. We believe that the participants of the Documenta will add an extra dimension to the multifold histories and memories of WWII History, in another sense, is a living, evolving process that always unfolds in the present tense.

As a result, the prime objective of this Documenta is to accelerate the transformation of the historic site of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s Sixth Fuel Factory into the “Hsinchu Living Museum”.

【 展覽展期|Exhibition Date 】

2019-06-06 (Thu.) ~ 07-09 (Tue.)
ps. CLOSED at 2019-06-07(Fri.) & 2019-07-07(Sun.)
※ 6/7(五) & 7/7(日) 共計兩天休館,敬請留意別撲空

【 開放時間|Opening Time 】

週一~週五 (Mon.)~(Fri.) 10:30 – 18:30
週六~週日 (Sat.)~(Sun.) 10:30 – 16:30
ps. CLOSED at 2019-06-07(Fri.) & 2019-07-07(Sun.)
※ 6/7(五) & 7/7(日) 共計兩天休館,敬請留意別撲空

【 展覽地點|Location 】

交通大學藝文空間 @ 圖書館B1
NCTU Library B1 / NCTU Gallery
( 新竹市光復路1001號 國立交通大學圖書館National Chiao Tung University Library )

【 洽詢電話|Tel 】 (03) 513-1233
【 開幕茶會|Opening Reception 】 2019-06-06 (Thu.) 12:00 交通大學藝文空間 @ 圖書館B1 NCTU Gallery @ NCTU Library B1

【 策展人導覽|Curators’ Tour 】2019-06-06 (Thu.) 13:50 交通大學藝文空間 @ 圖書館B1 NCTU Gallery @ NCTU Library B1

__ ● 以下為相關活動預告,即將推出,敬請密切注意我們的粉專訊息!!
Events Related below is Coming Soon ! Please Follow our FB Pages below ● __新竹市「大煙囪廠房基地」保溫睦鄰駐站計畫

●【 新竹六燃藝術實踐講座|2019-04-20 (Sat.) 15:00–17:00 】
地 點:清華大學 蘇格貓底二手書咖啡屋
主講人:賴雯淑 副教授 ( 交大應用藝術研究所 )
& 交大跨領域藝術團隊

●【 新竹六燃對談|2019-05-16 (Thu.) 17:30–19:30 】
主講人:林欣怡 副教授
對談人:陳宣誠 藝術家

●【 新竹六燃講座|2019-06-12 (Wed.) 09:00–10:30 】
地 點:交通大學 人社一館三樓315階梯教室
主講人:趙家麟 教授 (中原大學景觀系)

●【 新竹六燃田野踏訪|2019-06-12 (Wed.) 13:30–16:30 】
領 隊:趙家麟 教授

●【 新竹六燃藝術實踐講座 # 「江山藝改所」專場 】
時 間:2019-06-15 (Sat.) 19:30-21:30
地 點:江山藝改所
主講人:賴雯淑 副教授 & 交大跨領域藝術團隊
報名網址將於 新竹市「大煙囪廠房基地」保溫睦鄰駐站計畫 公布

●【 新竹六燃工作坊|2019-06-29 (Sat.) 13:00–17:00 】
主持人:林欣怡 副教授 ( 交大應用藝術研究所 )